Water content CORE SURFACE >80% >80% 51% PRECISION1™-KONTALINSER FOR SKJEVE HORNHINNER GIR SKARPTSYN HELE DAGEN, SELV VED 16 TIMERS BRUK.1-2 SKARPT SYN3,4 LANGVARIG KOMFORT1,2 LANGVARIG FUKTIGHET PÅ LINSENS OVERFLATE3,5 *Based on lens movement, centration and rotation at initial fitting. References: 1. Fogt J, Patton K. Long day wear experience with water surface daily disposable contact lenses. Clinical Optometry. 2022(14):93-99. 2. Hines B, et. al. Clinical subjective performance of two daily disposable toric soft contact lenses. Poster presented at: American Optometric Association, Chicago. June 15-18, 2022. 3. PRECISION1™ (DDT2) Lens with Smart Surface study; Alcon data on file, 2019. 4. Cummings S, Giedd B, Pearson C. Clinical performance of a new daily disposable spherical contact lens. Poster presented at American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting and 3rd World Congress of Optometry; October 23-27; Orlando, FL. 5. Tucker B, Leveillee E, Bauman E, Subbaraman L. Characterization of the Surface Properties of a Novel Daily Disposable Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens. Poster presented at the American Academy of Optometry Annual Conference, October 23-26; Orlando FL. 6. In a study where n=78 eyes; Alcon data on file, 2020. Se bruksanvisningen for informasjon om anvendelse, pleie, forsiktighetsregler, advarsler, kontraindikasjoner og bivirkninger. Alcon® 2024 NORD-PRA-2400003 MIKROTYNT, HØYTYTENDE FUKTIGHETSLAG MED >80% VANN3 PÅ LINSEOVERFLATEN. SURFACE >80% VANN PÅ OVERFLATEN