Returadresse: Norges Optikerforbund Øvre Slottsgate 18/20 0157 OSLO M Maksimal Komfort 1,2 aksimal Fukt Den eneste toriske endagslinsen med -2.75D cyl* * Gjelder ikke spesiallinser produsert på bestilling; ACLM 2023. | 1. ACLM online: 2024. 2. Bausch + Lomb; 2012. Results from a 21 investigator, multi-site study of Biotrue® ONEday lenses, with a total of 414 eligible subjects. Aer 7 days of wear, subjects completed an online survey. Consumers rated Biotrue® ONEday lens performance across a range of attributes and compared the performance to their habitual lenses. 3. Bausch + Lomb; 2012. Twenty-two subjects participated in a randomized, double-masked, contralateral eye study to evaluate water loss of Biotrue® ONEday and 1-Day ACUVUE Moist contact lenses. Aer 4, 8, 12, and 16 hours of wear, lenses were removed and immediately weighed (wet weight). The lenses were then completely dried and reweighed (dry weight). The percent water loss was then calculated for each lens from the wet and dry weights. Kontaktlinser er medisinsk-tekniske produkter. BOD/NO/2404/91. Bausch + Lomb Nordic AB 16 timer med fukt3 Kontaktlinser med mer fukt enn noen annen endagslinse, for å gi øynene den komforten de fortjener.2